LB2. Lavender Ocean and Villages tour 热门美村薰衣草路线
per item
Valensole Lavender fields 超大片花海
Roussillon 红土城
Gordes 石头城
Abbaye de Sénanque 赛南克修道院
Drive highway to enjoy Lavender ocean around plateau Valensole, free time in colorful village – Roussillon, picturesque hilltop village – Gordes and stop in Abbaye de Sénanaue.
Everyday 9 :00~18 :00 (Minimum 4pax)
每日 9 :00~18 :00 (最少四人成行,可拼车)
预订前请先email询问是否有空位 , 谢谢.
Please inquire if the tour is available before payment,Thank you
email: [email protected]
Roussillon 红土城
Gordes 石头城
Abbaye de Sénanque 赛南克修道院
Drive highway to enjoy Lavender ocean around plateau Valensole, free time in colorful village – Roussillon, picturesque hilltop village – Gordes and stop in Abbaye de Sénanaue.
Everyday 9 :00~18 :00 (Minimum 4pax)
每日 9 :00~18 :00 (最少四人成行,可拼车)
预订前请先email询问是否有空位 , 谢谢.
Please inquire if the tour is available before payment,Thank you
email: [email protected]